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Join Our League

Membership in the League of Women Voters is open to people ages 16 and older. Your membership gives the League the political influence needed to build a voice for citizens and a force for change. It also allows us to hold local programs and educational forums.  

Need Assistance with Dues?

The League of Women Votersof Santa Barbara does not charge dues for fulltime students. Dues reduction options for other members are also available by contacting

Need to Renew Your Membership?

To renew an existing membership, you must wait until you receive an email from Club Express advising you that you need to renew your membership and pay your dues.  It will contain a link that will take you to the renewal page.  Note that, for a  Household membership, only the Primary member of the account will receive the email reminder message from Club Express.


Please contact Membership at



Benefits of a LWV Membership

Mission of the League of Women Voters: “Empowering Voters, Protecting Our Democracy”

As a member you have many choices-- attending forums, working on committees, signing up new voters, studying ballot measures,
speaking up at public hearings, writing letters, participating in a book club, and joining with us to help make democracy work.

League Membership offers the opportunity to:
• learn more about government, about many different issues and influence public policy

• meet new people

• serve your community by registering voters, educating the public, and meeting with government officials at local, state, and national levels.

• develop leadership skills

By joining LWVSB, you automatically become a member of the following leagues:

National League - LWV United States (LWVUS) 
State League - LWV California (LWVC)

You will add your voice to a powerful force of members from all 50 states, Washington, D.C. and US Territories.

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Contact Us

Phone: (805) 965-2422
League of Women Voters of Santa Barbara
3463 State Street, #260
Santa Barbara, CA 93105  

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